Project Descriptions

Bank Application - Java Servlet and jsp

Project Overview:

Project Name: Bank Application

Tech Stack: Html, css, javascript, Java Servlet, jsp, MySQL

Bank Application Mini Project

Overview :
The Bank Application mini project is a comprehensive web-based application designed to simulate basic banking functionalities. The application allows users to register, generate an account, access a welcome page, perform credit and debit transactions, and search for account details. The project is structured with a clear separation between the front-end and back-end, ensuring a seamless user experience and robust data handling.

Front-End Technologies
- HTML: Used for structuring the web pages. The registration form, welcome page, transaction forms (credit and debit), and search account page are all created using HTML.
- CSS: Applied to style the web pages, making the application visually appealing and user-friendly.
- JavaScript: Utilized for client-side validation, enhancing user interactivity and ensuring data integrity before it is sent to the server.

Back-End Technologies
- Java: The core programming language used to handle business logic. Java ensures a robust and secure back-end.
- Servlets: Java Servlets manage HTTP requests and responses. They handle user actions such as registration, account creation, and transactions.
- JSP (JavaServer Pages): Used for dynamically generating web pages based on user interactions and data processed by the servlets.

- MySQL: The relational database management system used to store user information, account details, and transaction records. MySQL ensures data is stored efficiently and can be retrieved quickly.

Core Functionalities

1. User Registration - Users can sign up by providing their personal details. - Form validation is performed using JavaScript before sending the data to the server. - On successful registration, user data is stored in the MySQL database.

2. Account Generation
- Once registered, users can create a new bank account. - Each account is assigned a unique account number. - Account details are saved in the database.

3. Welcome Page
- After logging in, users are greeted with a welcome page. - The welcome page displays the user’s name and basic account information.

4. Credit Transaction
- Users can deposit money into their account. - The amount entered is validated and then updated in the user's account balance. - The transaction is recorded in the database.

5. Debit Transaction
- Users can withdraw money from their account. - The system checks for sufficient balance before processing the transaction. - The amount is deducted from the user's account balance and the transaction is recorded.

6. Search Account
- Users can search for account details by entering an account number. - The application retrieves and displays the relevant account information from the database.

Development Highlights
- MVC Architecture: The project follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture to separate the concerns of data management (Model), user interface (View), and business logic (Controller).
- Security Measures: Basic security measures, such as input validation and secure password storage, are implemented to protect user data.
- Responsive Design: CSS ensures that the application is responsive and accessible on various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

This Bank Application project demonstrates proficiency in both front-end and back-end web development technologies. It showcases the ability to create a full-stack application that is functional, user-friendly, and secure. The use of Java, Servlets, JSP, and MySQL for the back-end, combined with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the front-end, exemplifies a well-rounded skill set suitable for various web development projects.